*Dark Waters* (2022) is a gripping legal thriller directed by Todd Haynes, based on a true story and inspired by a New York Times Magazine article by Nathaniel Rich. The film stars Mark Ruffalo as Robert Bilott, a corporate environmental defense attorney who takes on a case against the chemical giant DuPont. When a farmer from West Virginia seeks his help regarding the mysterious deaths of livestock, Bilott uncovers a shocking conspiracy involving toxic waste and harmful chemicals, specifically perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), used in the manufacturing of Teflon. As Bilott delves deeper into the investigation, he faces significant challenges, including legal battles, corporate resistance, and personal sacrifices that strain his marriage and family life. The film highlights the ethical dilemmas and dangers involved in standing up against powerful corporations that prioritize profit over public health and safety. *Dark Waters* is notable for its tense atmosphere, strong performances—especially from Ruffalo—and its emphasis on environmental justice and corporate accountability. The film received critical acclaim for its compelling narrative and thought-provoking themes, shedding light on the real-world consequences of corporate negligence and the fight for justice against environmental pollution.

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